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    According to the World Bank's (WB) Doing Business 2017 rating, Latvia recently has risen from 22nd place to 14th by improving its business regulations as it was captured by the Doing Business indexes. In the past year substantive improvements were implemented in such areas as credit information access, less complicated paying taxes procedure, online systems optimization for filing labor contributions and tax returns.

    Following mentioned reforms, opening a Latvian company has become easier than in the past few years and even decades. A traditional Limited Liability Company (LLC or SIA in Latvian) remains the most widely used company format for businesses of small and medium scale. Of course, there are more options available when it comes to company incorporation in Latvia – Individual Merchant (or Sole Trader ST), Joint-Stock Company (JSC), Legal Partnerships and Branch or Representative Offices. However, LLC takes the lead due to several rather convenient advantages it offers to Latvian businessmen.

    As it is well known, LLC companies' incorporation usually requires a share capital which can be divided into shares which belong to shareholders who have no legal liabilities for the company's obligations because a company is liable for its obligations with its total assets. Usually a Latvian LLC must have share capital which varies from 1 up to 2,800 euros, meaning that minimum share capital for company incorporation can be only 1 euro (€). This type of a company is becoming more and more popular today as it is perfect way of doing business in Latvia with minimum investment. There are also several obligatory requirements for such company format.

    Legal requirements for company incorporation in Latvia
    There are a few obligatory requirements for company incorporation in Latvia. Main requirement is that such company can be incorporated by up to five members. The second requirement is that such LLC must make an annual investment equal to 25% of the company's total income in order to be able to make the share capital approach of 2,800 €. It also means that LLC's shareholders are personally liable for the lacking share capital which is set to be 2,800 €. One more important requirement is that company's shareholders should simultaneously be board members too. Additional criteria include shareholders to be individuals, rather than companies, articles of association must have a standard model provided by Latvian law as well as company's accounts to be filed annually.

    Company formation procedure
    Incorporation procedure includes: arranging articles of association and memorandum of association; executing articles of association; registering for VAT; obtaining Latvian tax code; filing with the Registrar of Companies as well as opening a bank account. When a LLC company is registered for VAT, it is assigned a VAT registration number, which is an EU-compliant and has the same number as company's registry number with the additional LV in front of it.

    The fees which shall be paid include registry fee of 20 €, a fee of 0 € - 15 € for setting up a bank account , a notary fee of 7.11 € for verifying documents (per signature) and a publishing fee of 14.23 € as well. These are the associated costs necessary to establish a company in Latvia.

  • Tax havensDatum18.03.2024 13:57
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    In general, a tax haven is a jurisdiction where taxes are either low or not levied at all. Well-known examples of tax havens include Panama, Belize, the Seychelles, the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man and Hong Kong. Very often, such areas are also referred to as offshore jurisdictions, with companies registered in these jurisdictions being referred to as offshore companies.

    An offshore company is a company formed to carry on and carry out business activities outside the jurisdiction in which it is formally incorporated, as well as outside (or offshore) the residence of its directors, shareholders and beneficial owners in certain jurisdictions be crucial for tax planning. Typically, an offshore company is created to obtain certain legal or tax advantages, to enable a certain corporate structure or to protect the confidentiality of the beneficial owner and/or asset holder.

    It is widely recognised that in the modern, dynamic business environment, with most countries collaborating to create an intergovernmental tax-monitoring system, it is becoming more and more difficult to achieve your corporate and personal goals. Tax havens provide the perfect environment and the right tools to create a unique, functional corporate structure that suits your needs. Confidus Solutions will provide you with the most efficient solution, tailored just for you.

    Features and advantages of offshore companies
    Reducing the volume of applied taxes and securing confidentiality aren’t the only advantages of setting up an offshore company in a tax haven. Although tax planning is one of the major advantages offered by offshore companies, the chance to greatly reduce business expenses and maintenance costs is also a very attractive benefit.

    Below you will find the six main benefits of incorporating an offshore company in one the tax havens listed here:

    Tax reduction
    Incorporating a company in tax haven provides a legal means to reduce the corporate taxes levied, and this is usually one of the main arguments for relocating your business to an offshore. Non-resident companies can enjoy a low-tax regime depending on the jurisdiction of incorporation. Bear in mind that international tax regulations can be extremely complex nowadays, and it is essential to consult with an experienced tax specialist. It is vital to ensure that there are no conflicts with corporate tax obligations in the jurisdiction where the business actually operates.

    In some tax haven jurisdictions, non-resident companies are not obliged to make public any financial documentation or private information relating to directors and shareholders. Most offshore jurisdictions will not pass on any of this information to third parties, including other countries, unless the individual is suspected of involvement in criminal activity.

    Simple maintenance
    Usually, there are no strict requirements or obligations regarding company management, so the directors and executive staff may make decisions remotely, using power of attorney or nominee services. The need for staff and physical premises may be met by the elegant and cost-effective solution of virtual office services.

    Asset protection
    Many offshore jurisdictions can be used as valuable corporate tools for asset protection. Typically, offshore legal entities are used for holding intellectual property rights or real estate investments.

    Lower expenses
    Comparing onshore and offshore jurisdictions, offshores usually offer a faster and more straightforward company incorporation procedure. Annual maintenance is usually easier and cheaper as well, making company registration and maintenance much more affordable.

    Lower minimum share capital requirements
    Incorporating an offshore company usually requires only a very small amount of share capital, and in certain tax haven jurisdictions there are no capital requirements at all, allowing you to minimise the cost of incorporation.

  • Thema von DonaldWalker im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    In general, all jurisdictions can be divided into classic offshore, low-tax jurisdictions and prestige jurisdictions. The prestige of a jurisdiction corresponds to its rank, which is determined by taking into account and evaluating information from the International Sanctions List, the OECD Gray or Black List and the EU Jurisdiction White List as well as data on the development of the financial markets and determining whether the jurisdiction ob FATF AML is deficient and whether there are money laundering concerns. These are the basic criteria that matter in determining whether the jurisdiction is prestigious or not. It cannot be considered prestigious if it is on a financial blacklist.

    Austria, France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Switzerland are among the top five most reputable jurisdictions for incorporating a company.

    A general overview of Austria

    Registering a company or start-up in this jurisdiction allows the owner(s) to participate in all projects initiated by the Austrian government. The basic company types available are LLC, ULP, PJSC, PLLC, LLP, and JSC.

    Taxes: The income tax rate is 25%, with a minimum corporation tax of EUR 500, plus 20% VAT and a capital tax that varies between 0.8% and 1%. If the subsidiary is registered within the EU, the tax rate on dividend income is 0%; if not, it is 25%.

    Austria has agreements with more than 90 countries that enable companies to avoid double taxation. It has no exchange control. This jurisdiction ensures the confidentiality of business data.

    A general overview of France

    France is a respectable jurisdiction that allows your company to offer products and services bearing the mark of a European company. The basic legal structures available are SP, GP, PJSC, PJSC, LLC, CLS and LLPE.

    France offers a number of options: the ability to obtain credit from French banks, the ability to obtain a residence permit, no taxation for companies registered in the country doing business outside of France, and no exchange controls. France has agreements with more than 89 other countries that allow companies to avoid double taxation.

    A general overview of the United Kingdom

    The UK is considered a respectable jurisdiction due to its high level of legal protection, a simple and transparent tax system, the ability to charge VAT and the availability of nominee services.

    The basic company types available in the UK are PC, Limited Warranty Company, ULC and LLC. Again, there are no tax obligations for UK registered companies operating exclusively outside the country. Corporate tax rates depend on profit (between 20% and 24%). The UK has agreements with more than 100 countries that allow companies to avoid double taxation.

    A general overview of the United States of America

    The US offers a respectable, highly trusted jurisdiction for a company to register, allowing it to offer products and services bearing a US company's trademark. This jurisdiction imposes no tax obligations on entities designated as non-resident and also permits nominee services. There is no taxation for companies incorporated in the country that do all their business outside of the United States.

    The basic legal structures available are private contractor, corporation, branch of a foreign corporation, representative office of a foreign corporation, partnership, LLC, joint venture, or LLJSC.

    A general overview of Switzerland

    The good reputation of this jurisdiction is based on several factors, such as strong business development, a dynamic economy and a track record of innovation. The most important corporate forms available in Switzerland are LLC, ULP, JSC, Commandite Partnership and Subsidiary.

    Switzerland offers a high level of confidentiality, the world's leading currency, mechanisms to avoid double taxation, a reasonable tax system with tax rates depending on residence, income level and legal form of the company, tax optimization opportunities and the opportunity to set up service companies that can for the administration of the business activities of the parent company

  • Top destination for global investmentsDatum26.11.2023 12:19
    Thema von DonaldWalker im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Every year over USD 1 trillion is distributed worldwide in the form of foreign direct investment. Investments by foreign investors and entrepreneurs are of significant value to the country and are seen as a sign of a healthy economic, political and legal environment. When it comes to investing your money, some countries are simply better than others. It depends on numerous factors such as the country's overall economy and growth prospects, political stability, taxation and the overall legal system, the complexity of starting a business, opening an account and the workforce.

    In this article, we summarize three jurisdictions in terms of benefits and other features crucial to foreign investors. These countries have already proven their ability to attract multinationals and other investments, but when it comes to choosing the right place to invest, each country is different and might be better than others in one or more factors.


    The first country to be analyzed is Singapore, which ranks 2nd among the best countries for investment and 15th among the best countries in the world in the US News Best Countries Ranking developed in cooperation with its international partners

    Located in Southeast Asia, Singapore is a bustling metropolis and home to one of the busiest ports in the world. As one of Asia's four economic tigers, the country has experienced impressive growth in recent years thanks to efficient production and manufacturing processes and innovations in the pharmaceutical and electronics industries. High GDP per capita and low unemployment make Singapore one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

    Hong Kong

    Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. While Hong Kong is often considered as a separate entity from China, it is not a country and therefore enters all lists and rankings under the name of China. China takes 26th place among best countries to invest in and 20th place among best countries in general.

    Hong Kong’s legal system is characterised by the strict adherence to principles and the rule of law. It operates a free trade economic system and promotes minimal government interference in most sections of the economy. This reflects on the small number of tariffs and duties on traded goods and therefore it is a better place for investments than other parts of China.

    Foreign investments are attracted by promoting a favourable investment climate with low taxes, few restrictions and additional incentives to encourage investments. Corporate profits tax rate is 16.5% with a possibility to waive 75% of the tax. There is no tax levied on dividends.

    Company incorporation is a simple and fast-forward process. All applications for company incorporation also include an application for the business registry. The application can be submitted online and the processing generally takes one hour (as opposed to four days if the application is submitted in hard copy).

    Due to its impressive growth and increasing immigration, Singapore attracts the best professionals to its workforce. The country offers cultural diversity and, with four official languages, is an important gateway for international trade.

    The corporate tax rate is 17%, but it can be reduced by taking advantage of numerous government subsidies, incentives, and other programs.

    Singapore's legal system is known for its integrity, efficiency and fairness, making the country better than many as a place to start and operate a business. The World Bank Group has recognized Singapore's political and regulatory environment as the most business-friendly in the world.

    Other factors:

    Least Corrupt Country in Asia;

    Best IP protection in Asia;

    Most popular country for arbitration in Asia.

    United Arab Emirates

    The United Arab Emirates or UAE is listed as the 22nd best country in the world and is not mentioned among the best countries for investment according to the above ranking.

    Before the discovery of oil in the mid-20th century, the UAE's economy was mainly based on fishing and the pearling industry. The country experienced rapid growth and general transformation along with the start of oil exports in the 1960s. Today the country's GDP can be compared to that of leading European countries and the World Economic Forum has named the UAE the most competitive place in the Arab world.

    When incorporating a company in the United Arab Emirates, foreign investors can choose between offshore or onshore registration, whichever is more suitable for the type of company and the activities planned. Onshore registration means that the investor establishes a business presence on the UAE mainland. Offshore registration usually refers to a business presence in one of the UAE's free trade zones.

    The UAE does not levy corporate income tax at the federal level. However, most Emirates have some corporate income taxation and can even reach 55% for certain industries. In practice, corporate income tax is mainly levied on gas and oil companies and branches of foreign banks.

    Other factors:

    The UAE is among the most liberal places in the Gulf with a legal system that allows freedom of religion;

    No sales tax or VAT but with plans to introduce it in the future;

    In addition to traditional banking, Islamic (or Sharia-compliant) banking has seen tremendous growth in recent times.

  • Infrastructure of DjiboutiDatum25.06.2023 12:34
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    Djibouti's logistics performance index is 2.15. This indicates mediocre performance - shipping operations are relatively unreliable, punctuality and safety of transported goods are often an issue, although such a system may work relatively well when traffic is not too heavy.

    Customs performance is rated at 2.2. This indicates mediocre performance - while the clearance processes are rather ineffective, they do not unduly impede international business activities, occasionally fees and/or required documents can be unpredictable, and long clearing times can also be an issue.

    The infrastructure quality in Djibouti is rated 2. This indicates a mediocre quality - roads, railways, ports and other facilities are capable of handling reasonably significant traffic but are insufficient to ensure smooth transit at all times.

    The international shipping quality is 1.8. This indicates a mediocre performance - the services offered are reasonably attractive to foreign customers and the price is right up there with the quality, which is still not very competitive.

    The competence of logistics service providers is rated at 2.21. The competence of the providers is mediocre - they are able to guarantee a certain level of quality of their services, sometimes even outstanding, although their performance is usually still deficient in many aspects.

    The tracking options for shipments are rated 2. This indicates mediocre performance – the tracking systems provide a certain level of information, usually covering the most important topics, such as the current location of a shipment, the arrival and departure dates and the status of a delivery; Nevertheless, more detailed information on the status and multilingual accessibility options is usually missing.

    The tracking options for shipments are rated at 2.74. This indicates satisfactory performance - most shipments arrive on time and within scheduled timescales; Late arrival is still possible, albeit unusual.

    In Djibouti, 53.3% of the population has access to electricity. Djibouti has 13 airports nationwide. There are 215 internet hosts in Djibouti. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 population in Djibouti is 163.

    Road network
    The total road length in Djibouti is 3,065 km (1,905 miles). Of these, 0 km (0 miles) of roads are classified as freeways, dual carriageways, or freeways.

    Gas price
    On average one would pay USD 1.41 for a liter of petrol in Djibouti. A liter of diesel would cost $1.05.

  • Industry of JapanDatum25.02.2023 11:35
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    Major industries in the country are among world's largest and most technologically advanced producers of motor vehicles, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel and nonferrous metals, ships, chemicals, textiles, processed foods. The Industrial Production growth rate of Japan is 15.5%.3% of population in the country are unemployed. The total number of unemployed people in Japan is 3,815,560. Japan produces 963,000 GW/h of electricity each year. Japan emits 9.3 metric tons per capita of CO₂. On average, you would pay 1.38 USD for one liter of gasoline in Japan. One liter of diesel would cost 0.84 USD.

  • Merchant accountDatum18.01.2023 10:28
    Thema von DonaldWalker im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    A merchant account is a type of business bank account that allows for the acceptance and processing of credit and debit card transactions. A merchant account is often required for various businesses, especially online operations. This account is specifically used to identify the seller as the owner of the purchase. Owner and transaction information is sent directly to the bank.

    This bank account is issued by acquiring a bank for a specific provider under an agreement to process payment card transactions. Sometimes an independent sales organization, member service provider, or other payment processor enters the merchant agreement as a third party. After signing a merchant agreement, the provider is contractually obliged to comply with the regulations of card associations such as MasterCard or Visa.

    Merchant Account Features
    There are two main categories of merchant accounts that are typically chosen by different companies depending on the nature of their business. "Swiped" refers to transactions that require a customer to pay for their purchases in person and swipe or insert a credit or debit card. This type of merchant account is mainly used in retail. "Keyed" refers to transactions where the credit or debit card information is entered through a virtual terminal, typically over the Internet. This type of merchant account is mainly used by e-commerce merchants, but some merchants choose to use this method for in-person transactions as well because it is less expensive.

    Utilizing merchant account
    Similarly, as you are able to deposit another person’s check into a checking account, a merchant account lets you accept a card payment from a client. Meanwhile, merchant account does not hold any money like checking or other deposit accounts. Instead, card payment goes through the merchant account via payment gateway and after the funds are cleared, they are deposited on a checking account. Commonly it takes up to 48 hours from the moment of the transaction for money to be deposited onto the vendor’s checking account. In addition, instead of receiving numerous deposits for each transaction, all payments from one business day are put together into one deposit payment called a “batch”.

    Merchant account can also be explained as a line of credit account due to the fact that vendor gets paid before the actual funds are collected from the customer. This means that the vendor may be subjected to a personal credit check or requirement to sign a personal guaranty.

  • Royalty structure solutionDatum06.12.2022 16:45
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    Ireland based companies are currently very attractive as they can be leveraged for intellectual property exploitation. Until recently, Irish companies were most commonly used as intermediary licensing companies. As of May 2009, Ireland is also an attractive jurisdiction to hold intellectual property profitably.

    The reason Ireland is such an attractive option for royalty recovery is that there is generally no withholding tax on outgoing royalties (with the exception of patent and mining royalties, but even these may be exempt in certain circumstances).

    For many licensing structures, Ireland will be the best location for an intermediary licensing company for the exploitation of all types of intellectual property. With its new, convenient capital grants system, Ireland is now an ideal location for the development, ownership and exploitation of intellectual property. It is important to remember that every case is different and proper advice must always be sought.

  • Bank account opening in GuatemalaDatum05.10.2022 10:21
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    With the right documentation and initial expenses, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in Guatemala. This international account and investment opportunity offers several advantages based on economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates, tax laws and fees vary depending on the country in which you invest; Careful research and strategic financial actions could result in significant portfolio growth.

    If one is considering opening a bank account in Guatemala, one must enlist the help of international experts to guide them through the process.

    Legal structures in Guatemala
    Each international jurisdiction adheres to different legal structures for taxation and banking. Confidus Solutions helps you understand the nuances of each country's legal structure. In order to do business in Guatemala, it is crucial that you have a thorough understanding of the financial and legal ramifications.

    Initial investments
    The vast majority of bank accounts in Guatemala require an initial financial outlay to secure the account opening. This value differs from bank to bank and also depends on variable exchange rates. An international financial expert will help navigate these conversions, as well as the various fees and minimums associated with maintaining a bank account. Make sure you understand the interest and growth rates associated with each prospective international bank account so you can maximize your returns while minimizing risk.

    Tax structures in Guatemala
    To get the best results and avoid bureaucratic and legal pitfalls, enlist the support of an expert in international finance and economics. This initial investment in proper processes and research will help avoid a litany of long-term costs and fees related to unforeseen errors and legal errors. Language skills, financial know-how and bureaucratic experience ensure that your account opening is processed smoothly and without unintended consequences.

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